
Mineral complementary compound feed for cattle and lambs

The activated charcoal binds the substances present in the digestive system, such as bacterial toxins, medicines, decomposition products and intestinal gases.
Carbo Gel increases intestinal peristalsis, thus supports intestines function.

This product supports the digestive system function and the excrement (stool) formation.

Calves: 20 ml per head per day; twice a day.
Lambs: 2-5 ml per head per day; twice a day.

Use for 1-3 days
Preventively or during the digestive disorders
Suitable for calves and lambs.
Binds substances in the gastrointestinal tract, such as bacterial toxins, medicines, decomposition products and intestinal gases
Increases intestinal peristalsis, thus supports intestines function
Supports the digestive system function and the excrement (stool) formation