
Mineral complementary compound feed

Bolus Repro Plus was created as a result of many years of research. It supplies the animals with copper, selenium, cobalt and iodine, which are essential for the immunity,
reproduction, and growth of the animals. However, its most important feature is preventing Thiomolybdate Toxicity by supplying the rumen with the copper.

To this day, they remain the only boluses available preventing Thiomolybdate poisoning.

Apply orally via the applicator.
1-2 boluses every 6-8 months.
Micronutrients and vitamins supplementation

Unique extended-release glass bolus supplying microelements (ion form)
Prevents from microelements deciencies, restores its levels and excellently improves immunity
Improves insemination eciency and oestrus visibility, reduces placental retention, boosts health and strength in calves, improves colostrum and semen quality